Among Us

Game Guide

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Among Us is a multiplayer video game for four to ten players, with each player assigned to one of two private roles: “Crewmate” or “Impostor”. The game can be played online or on a local Wi-Fi network with friends. Each round, up to three players are picked at random to be the Impostor(s). A round can be played on one of four maps: The Skeld starship, the MIRA HQ headquarters building, the Polus planet base, or The Airship.

Generally, games go like this:
Before the game begins, all players will spawn in the lobby, speak, roam around, and personalize their character’s appearance. When there are enough players and the host pushes the start button, the game will begin with a 5-second countdown. You’ll be told whether you’re an Impostor or a Crewmate right away. To avoid getting voted out, don’t tell anyone what your role is. On The Skeld, MIRA HQ and Polus, everyone will spawn at the Cafeteria, Dropship, or Launchpad, respectively. If you’re playing on The Airship, you’ll have to choose between three rooms within 10 seconds to spawn in.

The Crewmates will roam around the map fulfilling their assigned jobs, while The Impostor will try to blend in, make up duties, and steal kills. To shield themselves from the Impostor, some Crewmates may form groups of two, three, or more. Bodies will be reported as the game proceeds, and emergency meetings will be summoned. The players will discuss who they believe is The Impostor during emergency meetings and attempt to vote them out. When a player is voted out, they are effectively killed, and their true identity as Crewmate or Impostor is revealed (if the Confirm Ejects option is toggled to on, which is the case most times). This cycle of completing tasks, holding emergency meetings at the appropriate moments, and avoiding The Impostor will continue until either The Impostor has killed enough Crew members or the Crew has discovered and voted out The Impostor(s).

While this is the general structure of Among Us games, it is possible for the rule to be altered slightly with the use of mods -and there are some pretty cool ones out there.

Beginner’s Guide

Things to note as a Crewmate

Crewmates are responsible with doing chores distributed across the space station or ship, which is the most common duty you’ll be assigned. These tasks can be accomplished in any sequence and are listed in the top left corner of your screen. If you’re on a PC, I strongly advise switching to mouse and keyboard controls rather than simply the mouse before you start playing. Trust me, if you solely use the mouse, you’ll be much easier to kill – especially if you’re new. Tasks are little mini-games that all Crewmates are assigned that range from scanning your ID card to trash removal to asteroids exploding. However, I recommend deferring certain chores, such as medical scanning at the MedBay, because other players will be able to watch you complete them visually. Because Impostors are unable to execute these tasks, demonstrating that you have completed one is conclusive proof that you are a crew member.When playing as a Crewmate, you should also keep in mind that the Impostors have a 10-60 second cooldown before they can kill another player at the start of the round, so you’re safe during that period. It all relies on the server settings that the players select. That safety expires with the cooldown period, so it’s wise to be around other players to feel a little safer and possibly have an alibi for what you’ve been doing. If you do need to accomplish a task in an area where no one else is present, be aware of your surroundings. Impostors have the ability to jump out of any vent, providing them easy access to practically every room in any map. In contrast, if you’re in a group, strive to maintain some separation from your teammates. If everyone is piled on top of each other, the Impostor may be able to kill someone and make it impossible to figure out who it was. The killer would have to physically move near to you if you spaced out when moving with others. Keeping an eye out for suspicious behaviours by other players is also quite important. If you see something out of place (like an Impostor venting, for example), you can call for an Emergency Meeting by hitting the button at the spawn point. It’s important to also complete your tasks as soon as possible as complete task completion by the Crewmates is the most logical way to win. Keep in mind that you could be one of the persons slain by an Impostor in a game, in which case you’ll be able to walk the map as a ghost until the game finishes or you leave.If you stumble upon the body of another player, it’s preferable to press the report button and summon the other players for a meeting as soon as you see it. If you don’t report the body and someone spots you leaving the room where it was, or even worse, sees you in the room with the body, you’re the top suspect and have a slim chance of avoiding ejection. Remember that the Impostor can also report the body and claim that he was not the one who killed the other player. Every time the meeting finishes, the cooldown is refreshed.

Tips and Tricks

As Impostor:
Be wary of the ‘popular’ kill zones in the maps, such as Electrical and Security in The Skeld map, which have grown renowned. If you’ve played a lot of, you’re well aware that these areas are crime hotspots.Due to a vent close to the task area, Electrical makes it very easy for the Impostor to vanish, while Security is not occupied. However, if you open the vent in Security and someone in the room isn’t looking at the camera, you’re out of luckKeep track of how long it takes for your kill to cool down. If you are preparing to pop someone off for more than 10-15 seconds, you must be especially cautious to ensure that no one else is there. The longer the cooldown, the slower you’ll be able to kill.As an Impostor, don’t lock doors indiscriminately; you might miss an opportunity to assassinate Crewmates.You will be caught and most likely evicted if you vent or kill near cameras.If you’re caught, don’t disconnect. This makes it more difficult for the other Impostor(s) to sabotage without your help.Don’t sabotage for the sake of sabotage. This could get in the way of you and other Impostors, or it could prevent better-planned sabotage by another Impostor.When there are more than four players left, don’t say stuff like “I saw [color] kill,” because Crewmates will know you’re lying once the witness’ role is disclosed if confirm ejects is enabled. “I saw [color] near that location,” for example, instead of “I saw [color] near that location.”Faking visual tasks isn’t a good idea. Submit Scan, Clear Asteroids, Empty Garbage, and Prime Shields are the four visual chores. If you impersonate someone, you risk exposing your true identity as The Impostor.Don’t be alarmed if you see someone killing or venting.Don’t claim that you’re safe since you solved a sabotage, because Impostors can also remedy sabotage.Do: imprison victims by shutting doors and murdering them, then flee by vents.Do: get out of the area so you don’t appear suspicious.Do: report the body and hold the player who noticed you responsible.Closing doors near the emergency meeting area and attempting to eliminate the witness are things to do.Sabotage the witness’s ability to convene an emergency meeting.

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