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Aries: 21.3 - 20.4

Dear Aries, if you are not feeling well for any reason, you can say so openly, anything else would only cause astonishment. Have courage, the more honest you are, the more understanding your partner will have for your concerns or worries. In love, things get especially exciting for singles. You should keep your eyes open. You make a special impression on someone.

With Saturn, you will show your acumen in March. You see clearly where your responsibility begins and where it ends. You're also good at saying no when someone is trying to take advantage of you. You gain respect.

You could literally uproot trees, you are doing great. To keep it that way, you should eat healthily, get enough sleep and exercise regularly. This is your guarantee for health and well-being.

Lucky Days:
March 4, 2024: Promotion pending.
March 9, 2024: You finally get clarity.
March 20, 2024: You definitely won't let it get you down.

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